spiritual inspiration - beyond the physical: inspirational writings, meditations from gathering light ... a collection of sensual, spiritual, visionary dreamscapes, inspirational writings: poetry, short stories, prose and music. meditations, muses and mysticism, an esoteric journey of soul seeking transformation in white light experiences, out of body experiences, thoughts of the day, thoughts for the day, daily meditations, spiritual encounters and the divine from brad kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat..

inspirational writings, meditations: Beyond the Physical: inspirational writings, meditations from gathering light ... a collection of sensual, spiritual, visionary dreamscapes, inspirational writings: poetry, short stories, prose and music. meditations, muses and mysticism, an esoteric journey of soul seeking transformation in white light experiences, out of body experiences, thoughts of the day, thoughts for the day, daily meditations, spiritual encounters and the divine from brad kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat.

There have been releases categorizing Near death or Out of body experiences as stress induced, etc. The tendency of science, presently limited to the three dimensional, is to categorize and label. Considering no prior drug use or religious orientation, I would like to convey two experiences of comfort and hope.

Working alone, hearing music, a thought occurred: If there can be such beauty there must be the divine, immediately all was light, brilliant, yet unblinding, immersion in profound compassion, acceptance, peace ... timelessness, when sensing returning the only desire to remain ... the fairest of days that followed ... paled in comparison.

Time passed ... Contemplating receptively, overlooking a secluded pond, upon rising, feeling a great lightness of being, clarity, insight, oneness and tender compassion for all creatures and creation. Walking the woods, finding myself observing myself from above and behind, again timelessness, then back. Moments later a different race of unknown appeared, blocking my path, cursing and threatening. Normal reaction: anger, fear, possibly fatal given the circumstances, yet my being knew only compassion and tranquility ... somehow seeing deeply and beyond. A presence ... a voice that wasn't, conveyed all rightness, protection ... the shouting grew silent, then stares ...

In times of weariness and discouragement, I've tried to discount such experiences and others for the small comfort of giving up, honestly I can't.

I'd always wondered what was meant by  "Heaven's at hand and within " ... no longer.

All I know: There really is something wonderful beyond expression, given an open mind and heart (innocence? -- allowing the heavenly influences in?) anyone can experience, even normally, and by ever striving for the higher self -- kindness and goodness for its own sake ... ultimately become One with.

... and merge endlessly.

* Similar insightful experiences documented from all faiths and perspectives world-wide and further expansion and analysis. - bk

From the Harbors of Light Collection: Inspirational writings, daily meditations, thoughts for
the day, poetry and prose from Brad Kalita, founder of Gathering Light ... a retreat.


Forward ~ Fading Away ...


Back ~ Skimming the Ethereal.


Gathering Light ... on the Shores of Paradise. Inspirational writings, literature, spiritual insights, mysticism, meditations, thoughts for the day, thoughts of the day, white light experiences, out of body experiences, spiritual inspiration, poetry, prose and music.