neither the dragonfly nor the toad were special although all creatures are in their own way. then why the true in true toads...? Because my chidlren there was a time not long ago when all was not as well as spoken ... gathering light ... inspirational writings, spiritual inspiration, thoughts for the day, poetry, prose, stories: higher self, personal growth, spiritual encounters, out of body experiences and white light experiences, from Brad Kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat located near crater lake national park in southern oregon.
humans through long ignor-ance and lack of foresight brought about one calamity after another. great strife of all kinds came upon the inhabitants of the earth and many perished. true toads, not deformed by the toxic byproducts of humans were able to survive by burrowing deep in the mud and becoming dormant, which they did for many years ... gathering light ... a collection of inspirational writings, spiritual inspiration, thoughts for the day, poetry, prose, stories: higher self, personal growth, spiritual encounters, out of body experiences and white light experiences, from Brad Kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat located near crater lake national park in southern oregon.
finally emerging they found change. somehow humans had awakened and actually learned: realizing what they thought was human nature was human habit. they took responsibility. No longer looking for someone or something. looking no further than their hearts they became wise compassionate stewards ... gathering light ... on the shores of paradise ... inspirational writings, spiritual inspiration, thoughts for the day, poetry, prose, stories: higher self, personal growth, spiritual encounters, out of body experiences and white light experiences, from Brad Kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat located near crater lake national park in southern oregon.
in time they transformed reality to that which they'd always longed for: Heaven on earth ... inspirational writings, spiritual inspiration, thoughts for the day, poetry, prose, stories: higher self, personal growth, spiritual encounters, out of body experiences and white light experiences, from Brad Kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat located near crater lake national park in southern oregon.
 At last fulfilled all prospered living long, harmonious lives. And it was good ... inspirational writings, spiritual inspiration, thoughts for the day, poetry, prose, stories: higher self, personal growth, spiritual encounters, out of body experiences and white light experiences, from Brad Kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat located near crater lake national park in southern oregon.
Very good indeed.
 written by guppen ... founder of gathering light ... a retreat and author of inspirational writings, spiritual inspiration, thoughts for the day, poetry, prose, stories: higher self, personal growth, spiritual encounters, out of body experiences and white light experiences, from Brad Kalita, founder of gathering light ... a retreat located near crater lake national park in southern oregon.

Forward ~ Mountain Fairy


Back ~ Balance to All Things


From the Harbors of Light Collection: Inspirational writings, thoughts for
the day from Brad Kalita, founder of Gathering Light ... a retreat.

Gathering Light ... on the Shores of Paradise. Inspirational writings, literature, spiritual insights, mysticism, meditations, out of body experiences, white light experiences, daily meditations, thoughts for the day, thoughts of the day, poetry, prose, artistry and music.